Thursday, 19 March 2015


So, it's getting to the awkward stage in the academic year where exams are coming up yet you still feel like you're not motivated enough to do some hard-core studying. So I put together a video with some studying tips!

Be sure to watch it, and I hope it benefits you! Unfortunately, hard work needs to be put in, along with dedication. Good luck lovelies! Take care!

Thursday, 5 March 2015

World Book Day

SO, according to my sources (Carrie Hope Fletcher's instagram account...) today is World Book Day! *drumroll please* ...

I don't know about you, but I find it hard squeezing in time to read books in between everything else that goes on, i.e. LIFE! But never-the-less, I have set myself a challenge for 2015: to read 13 books. Now that doesn't sound much - at all - but it ensures that I read a book a month, plus one haha. I know that some people set themselves challenges like, reading 100 books a year, but let's take things slowly yeah? Hehe.

So far I have finished two books and am one my third, which shows I'm going on track right?

Another thing I hope to do is actually write on my blog more often, and get a little group of lovelies together because of it. Again, I didn't purposely stop, but our little friend 'LIFE' here tends to creep up and overtake things. However, expect to see more blogposts from me! Along with videos on my YouTube channel.

I doubt anyone will read this, but a girl can dream right?

Let me know what books you have read so far!

Take care for now love hearts (okay, why am I using all these Valentine's Day-like nicknames?)


Hana x

Tuesday, 3 March 2015


So as some of you may know, I like poetry. So what better way than to post a poem I wrote within five minutes, as a little note to self (let's just pretend it could be about me). To be honest, my aim of the poem was as a reminder to anyone who reads it, that they're uniquely incredible.

Bring on the cheesiness haha!

I hope you embrace YOU today and enjoy the poem, as well as the video.

Take care x
