Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Study Techniques

So, as many people will be sitting exams soon, I thought I'd post ways to help prepare for exams along with studying tips!

First of all, the first step will be to sort out your subjects and make sure that you go over the syllabus. Next I suggest you sort out a timetable, making sure you study for every subject. If you're short for time, focus on the harder subjects first. Although many of us try to avoid these, you're going to end up doing it sooner or later so it's much better and relaxing getting it done with as soon as possible :) Make sure you cover all topics and understand everything you need to.

Now for the study methods:
1) Make notes/highlight the main points. I find this to be very beneficial as it makes you more aware of the important bits.
2) Use diagrams. If you learn better using tables, graphs and charts, then try to use those where you can.
3) Flashcards. Although this sounds quite childish, it really helps when learning definitions. Write the word on one side and its meaning on the back...this helps you test yourself.
4) Explain to someone. I find that explaining what you know to someone helps you understand it better and remember it :)
5) Study groups. These vary depending on what type of person you are. Some people revise much better when they're with others. However, some revise better alone.
6) Test yourself. Use the internet to find ready made quizzes or tests.
7) Watch tutorials. Some YouTube channels post educational videos which can be very helpful.

I hope this helped you find a study method that suits you ♥ I understand that everyone has different techniques that work for them so don't be upset if some don't work for you - just try to find one that does! Don't stress out too much and make sure you give yourself free time too.

Good luck and take care,

Hana x

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